🏆 Logs on the Fire

Michael Jordan was an intense competitor, but what fueled his fire? What were the "Logs" that were added to his competitive fire?

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  • Logs on the Fire 🏆

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Logs on the Fire

In Michael Jordan’s Hall of Fame enshrinement speech, he talks about his competitive fire throughout his career.

Jordan had a fire from within. 🔥

This competitive fire started when he was young.

It was ignited by his parents and siblings and fueled by those who doubted and challenged him, including his high school basketball coach, throughout his career.

In his HOF speech, he talked about the many people who continued to put “Logs on the Fire” throughout his career.

What were some of Jordan’s “Logs on the Fire”?

  • His little brother fought with him daily, pushing him to improve.

  • His little sister, who took extra classes in high school so she could graduate a year early with him, went to college with Jordan, and then graduated before him from the University of North Carolina.

  • His older brother, who served in the military for 31 years, pushed him daily.

  • His high school basketball coach, who cut him from the varsity team as a sophomore in favor of Leroy Smith. This was a BIG LOG for Jordan!

  • Leroy Smith: The player who made the varsity team ahead of Jordan. Jordan used Leroy as a “log on the fire” throughout his entire career.

  • Buzz Peterson: His college roommate was named the North Carolina High School player of the year. Jordan said, “How did he get it? He hasn’t played me yet.” Peterson did not know it, but that added a log to Jordan’s fire.

  • Dean Smith: Coach Smith did not put Jordan on the pre-season cover of Sports Illustrated as a starter because he was only a freshman at UNC. This fueled Jordan’s fire.

  • Kevin Lochery: His first coach at the Bulls who would switch Jordan to the losing team in practice to challenge him and see if they could come back and win, which they often did. This added a log.

  • And many more…

This is what the heart of a champion looks like. They are, first and foremost, intense competitors.

They find an “edge,” a “chip,” and a “fire” from within that motivates them.

Then, they KEEP ADDING LOGS to the FIRE!

It is what made Jordan the GOAT.

When I reflect on this speech and think of my own athletic success as a coach, the same thing always comes back to me.

I hate to lose.

In any game I play, I will do whatever it takes to prepare for competition and find ways to win. I see things that challenge me to be better and push me.

And I think most successful athletes and coaches would say the same thing.

They hate to lose.

So, as a competitor…

  • What motivates you?

  • What is your competitive fire?

  • What are the logs you use to push your competitive spirit?

The great ones always have this fire from within. They find ways to keep the fire lit.

I challenge you to find your fire from within and look for the “logs” that can keep that fire lit.

Good luck!

Check out Jordan’s HOF speech below:


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“The only person who can stop you from reaching your goals is you.”

Jackie Joyner-Kersey

“To achieve something you have never achieved before, you must become someone you have never been.”

Les Brown


🎥 Video: Michael Jordan on Why I Succeed.

🎙️ Podcast: Coach Collins and I discuss What is Leadership in this Basketball Leadership Podcast episode.




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