🏆 Compound Growth in Sports

In life and the world, everything compounds. Including sports.

Happy 4th of July! 🎆 A warm welcome to the 101 new subscribers who joined 12,200+ others this week.

Here's what's coming:

  • Compound Growth in Sports 🏆

  • Caitlin Clark Gold 🥇

  • Great “X” insight from Drew Maddox 🆇

  • Read Time ~ 4 minutes.

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Compound Growth in Sports

In life and the world, everything compounds.

Including sports.

Compound growth is found through financial investments, nature, and even athletic and team development.

Like how money grows in a bank, the small, consistent efforts you and your athletes put in can exponentially increase your performance and skill over time.

This is why the mantra of our basketball program is “No Deposit - No Return.”

  • What you get out of your sport directly correlates to the time you put into your sport.

  • What you get from relationships directly correlates to what you put into them.

  • What you get from life directly correlates to what you put into life.

Everything is earned. Everything is hard!

And sometimes, examples from nature and our world are great ways to share this with our athletes.

Compound Growth and Sports

The concept of compound growth teaches us that small, incremental improvements, when consistently applied, lead to exponential outcomes.

This could be improving a technique or increasing the training load for an athlete.

Over months and years, these small gains accumulate into big differences

It is ultimately what separates the good from the great.

Consider these examples from nature…

The Chinese Bamboo Tree: A Lesson in Patience and Persistence

After planting a Chinese Bamboo Tree, you see nothing but a tiny shoot for the first four years despite providing water, sunlight, and care.

In the fifth year, the bamboo tree explodes in growth, reaching up to 80 feet high in just six weeks.

This is a powerful metaphor for athletes and teams: Consistent effort through seasons of apparent stagnancy can lead to remarkable growth when the foundation is strong.

The video below is an excellent description of Chinese Bamboo.

The Fibonacci Sequence: Incremental Progressions

The Fibonacci sequence is a series where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, etc…

This sequence is found all over nature:

  • Flower petals

  • Seed heads

  • Pine cones

  • Tree branches

  • Shells

  • Hurricanes

  • Faces

  • And so much more…

This mirrors how athletes should approach skill development.

Starting small, the sequence snowballs, showing how foundational skills can gradually lead to complex, advanced skills.

Each step builds on the previous, illustrating the importance of mastering basics to support advanced techniques.

The Iceberg: The Depths of Preparation

An iceberg reveals only a tiny fraction of its mass above water, with the vast expanse hidden beneath.

Similarly, an athlete’s performance is just the tip of the iceberg.

Most of their success comes from the unseen hours of practice, hard work, and relentless commitment needed to succeed.

Takeaway for Coaches and Leaders:

  1. Every practice, every drill, and every game is an opportunity to “make a deposit” into your team’s bank.

  2. The compound interest in these investments leads to championship teams and elite players.

  3. As a coach, your role is to foster this environment of steady growth, patience, and focus on the long game.

  4. Consistent habits over time will reap long-term rewards.

  5. The process is the prize for an athlete or team, and relentless consistency is what ultimately wins.

Good Luck!

P.S. Compound growth applies to the leadership development of your players as well. If you want a tool to help do this, I encourage you to check out the Team Leader OS.


🎥 Video: Coach Frank Martin on Parenting and Sports

🎙️ Podcast: Coach Collins and I discuss the concept of Cultivating Confidence in this Basketball Leadership Podcast episode.

🆇 ICYMI: Assistant Coaches are the ROCKS of a program


“All we do is believe in each other and love each other to death. And that’s what a true team is. If you want an example of what a team is, that’s what this team is. Coach (Lisa) Bluder knows how to create a team. You gotta create a culture where everybody’s valued.  I’m just lucky enough to be a part of it.”

Caitlin Clark

“Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.”

John Wooden




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