🏆 10 Commandments of Team Leaders

The best coaches know that player-led teams win. How do you develop these leaders?

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Here's what's coming:

  • The 10 Commandments of Team Leaders 🏆

  • Mickey Mantle Gold 🥇

  • Great “X” insight on Accountability from Jon Beck 🆇

  • Read Time ~ 5 minutes.

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Let's dive in.


🎥 Video: Check out the Jason Kelce Retirement Speech from this week. A must-watch!

🎙️ Podcast: Join Steve Collins and me in discussing the power of “Leading by Example” on The Basketball Leadership Podcast.

📖 On the Web: “How to be a Good Leader” by Dan Lyons.

10 Commandments of Team Leaders

The best coaches know that Player-Led Teams WIN.

It has been true for us. In my coaching career, our most successful teams have always had strong player leadership.

I can also tell you that the years we did not have strong player leadership were years when we did not achieve the level we had hoped.

For this reason, I believe talent always sets a team's floor, while team culture and player leadership always determine the ceiling.

As a young coach, I often found myself asking these questions about leadership…

  • What does a player-led team look like?

  • What are my team leaders supposed to do?

  • How do I develop my team leaders year after year?

This is why I built the Team Leader OS. I wanted to build a systemic, flexible, practical course and tool for coaches. I put everything I have learned about developing leadership into this course over my 30+ years of coaching.

So, what can we expect of our team leaders? What do we tell them? Here is a list to share with your team and leaders.

The 10 Commandments of Team Leaders

1. Lead Yourself First - True leadership always starts from within. Leaders manage their actions, discipline, and attitude before trying to guide and influence others. They have the “courage to lead.” Self-leadership is always step one to leadership.

2. Be a Thermostat - Don't just gauge the temperature, set it. Leaders should set the mood and tone for the team each and every day! Leaders are responsible for creating an environment conducive to success and positivity.

3. Manage the Locker Room - The locker room's atmosphere can make or break a team. This is a space that the coach is rarely at. Leaders should foster a space of respect, unity, and focus. Make the locker room a launch pad for victory.

4. Energy is Contagious - Leaders lead in energy and engagement. Embrace the 5:1 ratio of positive interactions to criticisms. Make sure you are dishing out 5 positives for every negative you have to share with others. Be a source of motivation your team rallies around. Be a Spark Plug!

5. Be a Connector of All - Bridge gaps between team members. Leaders ensure everyone feels included and valued. They create a cohesive unit that operates seamlessly on and off the field.

6. Build Others' Confidence - Leaders instill and cultivate confidence in their teammates. They celebrate their teammate’s strengths and encourage them during challenges, boosting their self-belief and team contribution.

7. Give Reminders - Team leaders always keep the team's goals and values at the forefront. Regular reminders of what you're working towards can keep everyone aligned and focused.

8. Accept Responsibility - Leaders must own their actions and decisions, setting an example of accountability and maturity. Accepting responsibility is key to gaining respect.

9. Hold Your Teammates Accountable - Ensuring everyone meets the team's standards is one of the hardest jobs of a leader. A leader should tactfully enforce rules and expectations, maintaining discipline and focus. Check out my newsletter on the 7 Steps to Accountability.

10. Be a Servant Leader - Finally, leaders lead by serving. They prioritize the team's needs over personal glory. A servant leader inspires loyalty and drives the team toward collective success.


Remember, leadership is less about commanding and more about guiding, inspiring, and setting an example.

As you embrace these 10 commandments, you'll not only grow as a leader but also elevate your team to new heights.

Good luck!


Good Coaches Know that Player-led Teams Win! How do you systematically develop your team leaders? I created the Team Leader OS: COACH for this reason. Flexible, practical, and easy to implement. Made by a coach and for coaches.

Save $35 this week with Coupon Code = “SAVE35”

Don’t wait and wish for team leaders each season → develop them with the Team Leader OS: COACH.

What is included?

  • Video-based course

  • 20 Lesson Team Leader Training Manual (TLTM) - lifetime access.

  • TLTM player workbook

  • Train the Trainer program

  • 200+ minutes of video

  • 300+ pages of leadership resources for coaches.

  • 20 bonus leadership lessons

  • And so much more…


"It isn't the mountains ahead to climb that wear you out; it's the pebble in your shoe."

- Muhammad Ali

"A team is where a boy can prove his courage on his own. A gang is where a coward goes to hide."

- Mickey Mantle



  • Team Leader OS is the ultimate course for systemically developing your team leaders year after year. It is flexible, practical, and built by a coach for coaches.

  • Paperback books on AMAZON - Culture WINS, Culture WINS 2, Coaching GOLD, and Great Teams Better Leaders (Vol 1)

  • All eBooks and FREE Digital Resources - Find many free resources and all my books and courses.

  • Super Bundle (big discount for all four eBooks!) - Want all four of my books at a big discount? Check it out.

Find all FREE books and resources at gberge.gumroad.com.

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Contact Me: Greg Berge, [email protected]

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