🏆 Organization Shows Competence

In coaching, organization isn't just about keeping things in order. It's a reflection of competence and leadership.

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Here's what's coming:

  • Organization Shows Competence 🏆

  • Dawn Staley Gold 🥇

  • Jamy Bechler on Attitude 🆇

  • Read Time ~ 4 minutes.

#1: BIG news! Great Teams Better Leaders now has its own app! Simply go to gregberge.beehiiv.com on your mobile device, log in, and follow the instructions to add the app to your home screen. You can also enable notifications for new posts!

#2: Great Teams Better Leaders PRO is coming → A new premium newsletter for coaches. But I want your feedback! Please complete this brief survey.

Let's dive in, but first, how are you developing your team leaders this coming season? If you don’t have a plan yet, I encourage you to check out the Team Leader OS.

Organization Shows Competence

Being organized isn't just about keeping things in order as a coach. It's a reflection of your competence and leadership.

This is why Organization 101 is one of my first modules in Better Coach OS.

When coaches are organized, they send a powerful message to all stakeholders – players, parents, and assistants – that they are prepared, capable, and ready to handle whatever challenges come their way.

The Importance of Organization 

An organized coach sets the tone for the entire team.

It creates an environment where everyone knows their roles, expectations are clear, and goals are within reach.

This foundation is crucial, especially when tough times arise.

How “Organization Shows Competence”

Preparation is Key: An organized coach is always prepared. Having everything mapped out, from practice plans to game strategies, shows a deep understanding of the game and a commitment to the team's success.

Clear Communication: Organization leads to clear communication. When schedules, goals, and roles are well-defined, everyone on the team knows what to expect. This clarity fosters trust and respect.

Efficiency and Focus: Organized coaches make efficient use of time. Practices run smoothly, meetings are productive, and goals are achieved with a focused approach. This efficiency helps maximize potential and minimize distractions.

Professionalism: Organization reflects professionalism. It shows that the coach takes their role seriously and is committed to providing the best experience for the team. This professionalism is reassuring to all stakeholders.

Tools like the Eisenhower Matrix help coaches set priorities for what is important. Separting your tasks into the following four categories is a great start:

  1. Urgent AND Important: For example, game day strategy and communicating practice changes.

  2. Urgent, but NOT Important: For example, filling out paperwork to order supplies.

  3. Not Urgent, but Important: For example, creating a leadership development or player development plan.

  4. Not Urgent AND NOT Important: For example, unnecessary meetings, overanalyzing, and casual conversations that district from time.

How can coaches show their organization?

Here are 10 Organizational Tips for Coaches. Many more can be found in Better Coach OS.

  1. Set Daily Goals: Write down 3-5 goals for each day. This will keep you focused and give you a sense of accomplishment when you achieve them.

  2. Use a Digital Calendar: Sync your schedule across all devices to ensure you never miss a meeting or practice. Set reminders for important events.

  3. Delegate: Tasks Trust your assistant coaches and staff with tasks. Delegating allows you to focus on the most critical aspects of coaching.

  4. Limit Distractions: Create a distraction-free workspace. Turn off notifications and close unnecessary tabs or apps when working on important tasks.

  5. Batch Similar Tasks: Group similar tasks together and complete them in one go. This reduces the mental load of constantly switching between

  6. Eat the Elephant: How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Break large tasks into simple steps and focus on completing one step at a time.

  7. Post-it notes: Use Post-it notes when ideas come to mind. When you complete the tasks, throw them away! A powerful feeling is associated with completing tasks and throwing away that note.

  8. Time Blocking Schedule: specific blocks of time for different tasks throughout the day. This helps you stay focused and ensures that all necessary tasks are addressed.

  9. Prioritize Tasks: Use a priority matrix to categorize tasks into urgent, important, less important, and non-urgent.

  10. Automate Routine Tasks: Use automation tools for routine tasks like email responses or social media posts. This saves time and reduces workload.


In coaching, organization is more than just a skill – it's a testament to competence and leadership.

Coaches are prepared to lead their teams through any challenge by being organized. This competence builds trust, fosters a positive environment, and ultimately paves the way for success.

Organization is critical for coaches, and I have developed many strategies and ideas in Better Coach OS to help you become more organized.

Organization Shows Competence - Check out Better Coach OS for more!

Save $30 on Better Coach OS today with the coupon code = SAVE30


“When you’ve got something to prove, there’s nothing greater than a challenge.”

Terry Bradshaw

“Effort is non-negotiable.”

Dawn Staley


Build a Championship Culture with all four of my Culture WINS Resources.

Save 25% when you bundle all four with the Culture WINS Bundle.

  • Culture Wins Curriculum ($49.95 value): The Culture Wins Curriculum is lifetime access to a growing library of leadership and culture videos (3-5 minutes each), along with discussion questions and action steps to use with student-athletes. The library is grouped into seven categories. This curriculum is meant for coaches to use with their team or ADs to use with a "Captain's Council" concept in their school. As this curriculum grows, the cost will increase. Get it now to get lifetime access to ALL the resources added over time.

  • Culture Wins Mini-Course ($19.95 value): 37 minutes of video + resources to build your team culture. This is module #4 of the Better Coach OS coaching masterclass course.

  • Culture Wins eBook ($9.95 value): 50 Ways to Build a Winning Culture (42 pages).

  • Culture Wins II eBook ($9.95 value): 50 MORE Ways to Build a Winning Culture (39 pages).



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🎥 Video: The Hurley Brothers - Outside the Lines (ESPN)

🎙️ Podcast: Coach Collins and I discuss the book The Captain Class in this Basketball Leadership Podcast episode.

🆇 ICYMI: Jay Wright is a Culture King.



Courses, Curriculum, and More:


Free Resources:

Find all FREE books and resources at gberge.gumroad.com.


  1. Are you interested in Sponsoring an Issue? Reply to this email or click here: Sponsor Great Team Better Leaders.

  2. Are you seeking a Culture or Leadership workshop for your team or school? Contact Greg for more information.

Contact Me: Greg Berge, [email protected]


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