🏆 Mental Health and Athletes

Mental health matters. Coaches, how do you address the mental health needs of your athletes?

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  • Herb Brooks Motivation 🥇

  • Jon Gordon on ‘The Choice’ 🆇

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Mental Health Matters.

The Mental Health of athletes is incredibly important.

Coaches must learn about, think about, and implement strategies to help our athletes manage the grind, pressures, and challenges of an athletic season.

How do you address the mental health needs of your athletes?

As coaches, we are not mental health experts, but there are things we can learn and be conscious of that can help our athletes manage these pressures.

I have researched and thought through some things we can do as coaches to talk about with our athletes or implement with our teams. I have also lived through some examples as a coach with athletes.

Here are 13 Great Mental Health Reminders for Us All.

1: Stifle Social Media

Do not let others define who you are on social media. Too much negativity is directed at Athletes and Coaches on Social Media. Too many DM’s are being sent to athletes.

ATHLETES: Consider limiting social media during your season. Keep things private. Keep a close circle. Check out this article on how a College Basketball Player changed his focus by getting rid of social media.

Coaches, make sure you connect with your players and ask them if they are receiving any DM’s about them or your team.

Know that this is going on.

2: "Comparison is the Thief of Joy."

ATHLETES: Do not compare yourself to others. It is always a losing battle. Be the best version of yourself. That is all you can do.

This is a crucial message we must send to our players.

I have written about this in detail below…

3: Find a Support System or Mentor

There are many tough days as an athlete. Find a support system. Find a mentor. Be open to sharing your thoughts and feelings. Open up to your coach.

Coaches: make sure your players have good support systems, either at home or with coaches and mentors. Athletes need people they can count on during tough times.

4: Perfection is a Process, not an Expectation.

Many athletes seek perfection. Many elite athletes are Type “A" personalities. Perfection is an unreachable goal. It is impossible to reach. No one can be perfect. Just do your best. Focus on the process, not the outcome. That is all you can do.

This is especially true with your very “driven” athletes. Connect with them. Make sure they keep things in perspective.

5: Remember Your Why

Why do we play sports? For the Joy, Fun, Competition, and more. Don’t ever lose sight of this.

It is crucial as coaches to remember to make our sport fun.

Help kids remember why they are playing. Mix it up and bring in some fun activities, too.

6: It’s the Process, Not the Prize

Winning is not an end game. Have a healthy mindset on winning:

  • Wanting to win is important.

  • Learning how to win is important.

  • Having a 'failure is growth' mindset is important.

A healthy approach to failure is critical for athletes.

7: Find Balance

A rule to live by: Everything in moderation. Athletes need balance in their life. Find other hobbies, interests, and healthy releases. Make time to do these. Do not be a “Starving Baker.”

Remember, less is often more.

8: Person first. Athlete second.

ATHLETES: You are not defined by your jersey.

  • You are a person first.

  • You are an athlete, second.

  • Do not lose sight of this.

  • Do not let others dictate this for you.

PARENTS: Be aware of this. Child First - Athlete Second.

9: Failure is Growth

ATHLETES: Make sure you have a healthy mindset of Failure. Failure is okay. Failure is Growth.

Make sure you keep a healthy failure mindset.

10: Lead with Grace.

COACHES, lead with Grace. Your players are People first. Athletes second. As coaches, we all need to remember this. Build relationships every day. Keep an open door with all of your athletes.

11: Have life talks. Have culture talks.

COACHES: For most of us, this is why we got into coaching. Have purposeful talks with your team or individuals. Talk about your culture. Talk about leadership. Talk about life.

This is the essence of why I wrote my first two books, Culture WINS and Culture WINS 2. I wanted quick daily topics on how to build the culture and leadership of our teams each and every day.

12: Feed Yourself First

ATHLETES: Do not be a “Starving Baker.” Feed yourself first. Set aside “ME” time. Remember, you cannot be there for others if you are not there for yourself first.

13: Play with JOY

ATHLETES: Remember why you play! Don’t get stuck in the grind. Have fun. Support your Teammates through the + and -.

COACHES, keep the game FUN!


The Mental Health of our athletes is critical for coaches to understand and be aware of.

Reflect on these 13 strategies to help your athletes navigate the pressure of sport.

Good luck!


“You were born a player. You were meant to be here. This moment is yours.”

Herb Brooks

“Do your best when no one is looking. If you do that, then you can be successful in anything that you put your mind to.”

Bob Cousy


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