πŸ† Leadership and the Bamboo

The story of the Chinese Bamboo is a fascinating one. And it can be applied to leadership development.

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Here's what's coming:

  • Leadership and the Bamboo πŸ†

  • Dawn Staley GOLD πŸ₯‡

  • Great β€œX” insight from the Winning Difference πŸ†‡

  • Read Time ~ 4 minutes.

Let's dive in.


πŸŽ₯ Video: How to get up early every day and win, by David Goggins.

πŸŽ™οΈ Podcast: Coach Collins and I discuss the concept of Collective Leadership in this Basketball Leadership Podcast episode.

πŸ†‡ ICYMI: β€œHear Me” by Mike Tomlin. It's an excellent video for coaches!

Leadership and the Bamboo

The story of the Chinese Bamboo Tree is a fascinating one.

Think about this: A bamboo seed can be planted, watered, cared for, and lay dormant for up to 5 years.

Then, suddenly, it breaks through the soil and grows up to 80 feet in about six weeks!

This same long process applies directly to Leadership, Skill Development, Habit Development, and so much more.

Often, the foundation is laid down many years in advance. Small growth may occur behind the scenes, but then, at some point, a breakthrough happens, and exponential growth occurs!

Small Habits create Small Wins, which grow into Bigger Habits and Bigger Wins.

Success Breeds Success. The process is the prize.

  • This is SKILL DEVELOPMENT at its core.

  • This is LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT at its core.

Leadership is a process. We must first identify our potential team leaders.

We must be aggressive in the process but patient in the results.

This means investing in leadership development at a young age, molding our athletes with our daily interactions to get them thinking about leadership, modeling leadership, and encouraging them to Lead By Example.

We must intentionally pair this with a long-term thought process, knowing we will reap the benefits later.

This is precisely why I developed a systemic leadership program, The Team Leader OS, for coaches to use with their teams.

Like anything, our future success is connected to our past preparation.

  1. Identify your future leaders early

  2. Plant the Bamboo Seed of Leadership

  3. Invest time and thoughtful Leadership Development into your players at a young age.

  4. Develop relationships and model leadership with them

  5. Trust the Process

  6. Reap the Benefits at a later date when you need them most.

Developing leaders takes time. It must be purposeful and encouraged. Remember, you can hope and wish for leaders or be purposeful in their development.

Choose the latter.

Treat Leadership Development like the Bamboo.

Good Luck!

P.S. If you are looking for a systemic way to develop your leaders year after year, check out The Team Leader OS. As a bonus, save $30 today using the coupon code = SAVE30 β†’ check out the video for more.πŸ‘‡


β€œEffort is non-negotiable.”

Dawn Staley

"Believe that your people have greatness inside of them. Because they do.”

Steven Covey


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