🏆 Great Teams WIN with a 1% Better Mindset.

Improvement happens through small incremental habits, done repeatedly over time.

Good morning! A warm welcome to the 116 new subscribers who have joined in the last week. I'm very happy to have you on board!

Here's what's coming:

  • How Great Teams WIN with a 1% mindset.

  • An ancient proverb about the power of a team.

  • A Jon Beck classic Tweet about accountability.

Let's dive in.

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Great Teams WIN with a 1% Better Mindset. How do they do it?

Growth and improvement in any endeavor do not happen overnight.

What do the most successful TEAMS do to become GREAT? What do the most successful ATHLETES do to become GREAT?

They just get a little bit Better Each and Every Day.

They have an Incremental GROWTH Mindset.

They know that habits win! They know improvement happens through small incremental habits, done repeatedly over time.

But far too often, people who see greatness only see the tip of the iceberg. They do not see the hours, days, and years of sweat equity and consistent habits that push people to be great and achieve at a high level.

I firmly believe in the mantra "NO DEPOSIT - NO RETURN." It is the theme of our basketball program.

You get out of life what you put into it. You get out of school what you put into it. You get out of relationships what you put into them. You get out of basketball what you put into it.

Everything is earned. No entitlement allowed.

The people who put in the time and create great, simple daily habits are the ones often rewarded with success, leadership, and happiness in all they do.

So how do they do it?

They do this through "Marginal Gains." They get 1% better each day.

Think of it this way.

What if you did 100 things just a little bit better?

What if you found a few habits that were important to you and committed to making these simple, low-risk, incremental habits?

What if you did the following?

  • Make your bed each morning.

  • Be just a little more present with your family each day

  • Get up 15 minutes earlier to read or write

  • Go to bed 15 minutes earlier to get more sleep

  • Read 5 minutes per day

  • Drank 3 more glasses of water each day

  • Do 5 minutes of ball handling each day

  • Make 10 more free throws every day

  • Do 20 pushups and situps every morning

  • Promise yourself to eat a healthy breakfast every day

What would happen if you did three of these each day?

I can give you a perfect example. On March 23, 2022, I made a commitment to myself with a 1% habit. I told myself I would write for 20 minutes daily on Twitter about Coaching, Leadership, Culture, and Teams.

I would commit to this and see what would happen. What has happened?

I grew from 500 followers to 12,900 followers in 10 months. In 10 months my Twitter posts have been read over 25 million times.

I have published two books and sold hundreds of them.

I started this newsletter with four subscribers: my mom, my dad, my wife, and myself. I now have over 2800 subscribers.

I created a small habit, had incremental gains, and it has turned into something much more than I ever imagined.

Apply this concept to your team...

  • Make 10 more free throws each day

  • Get 20 minutes more sleep each night

  • Eat a good breakfast each day

  • Do 5 minutes of ball handling when you wake up.

  • Give 10 more high fives to your teammates every practice

  • Make 10 3-pt shots at the end of each practice

  • Have 2 fewer turnovers per game

  • Get 2 more offensive rebounds per game

  • Pick one small goal to focus on each and every practice

These are all tiny things that we can all do.

But these small things all add up. They create MOMENTUM in life. MOMENTUM in your sport. MOMENTUM in your team. They allow other things to occur. They are "marginal gains."

Looking for a great book on this topic? Check out Atomic Habits by James Clear! Here is his Twitter Feed. 👇

Take this approach to your team or with your athletes.

Focus on some "little things" you can do and set goals to do the "little things consistently."

Emphasize these few little things. After all, as a coach, YOU ARE WHAT YOU EMPHASIZE.

The 1% rule says to give 1% more energy, 1% more time, 1% more focus, or 1% more commitment.

It says to give 1% more effort today than you did yesterday.

Imagine if an entire team could give just 1% more each day.

What would the compound effect of that be?

Challenge yourself with the 1% rule. Challenge your team. Find a few things that will allow you to be 1% better each day. Commit to doing this over time.

Watch the results follow as these small gains grow into sustainable change, improvement, and team or individual success.

This is what the great ones do.

Get 1% better each and every day, and be GREAT!

Good Luck!


“I'll do whatever it takes to win games, whether sitting on a bench waving a towel, handing out a cup of water to a teammate, or hitting the game-winning shot.”

Kobe Bryant

“A single arrow is easily broken, but not ten in a bundle.”

Ancient Proverb


BOOKS: Culture WINS and Coaching GOLD

Books, BUNDLE DEALS, FREE Resources & More: gberge.gumroad.com.


If you are looking, here are a few other resources and services I provide:

  1. Sponsorship: Promote yourself or your product to thousands of subscribers by sponsoring this newsletter.

  2. Resources: Check out my Website for more opportunities, services, and resources.

Contact Me: Greg Berge, [email protected]


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