πŸ† Why Do You Coach?

As we kick on 2024, we should all reflect as coaches and ask ourselves this very important question, why do you coach?

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Here's what's coming:

  • Why do you Coach? πŸ†

  • Jack Nicklaus on Concentration πŸ₯‡

  • Great insight from The Winning Difference πŸ†‡

  • Read Time ~ 4 minutes.

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Let's dive in.

Why Do You Coach?

Why do you Coach?

As we kick off a new year, reflecting on this critical question is very important for coaches and leaders.

There will be many ups and downs in a coaching career or season. Knowing your β€œwhy” is essential when these days and times happen. Your β€œwhy” allows you to reflect and remember your purpose as a coach, especially when tough times occur.

As I have reflected on why most coaches coach and what keeps them going, I believe they fall into these seven buckets.

Which of these do you fall into?

Here are 7 Reasons WHY Coaches Coach.

1: The Joy of Being on a TEAM - Most of us love coaching because we get to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. Being a part of a team or a community is unique. This is also why so many athletes often reminisce about the glory days as they get older.

2: Competition - The joy of competition also drives many coaches. There’s something special about making a commitment and putting in the time to compete. It is even more remarkable when you do that with other people trying to achieve the goal together. Competition is a good thing. It makes us better.

3: Teach Life Skills - Team sports teach so many life skills. Many coaches coach because of the great life lessons sports taught them. We want to have an impact and teach those same lessons to the next generation.

4: Love the Sport - Many Coaches Coach because they absolutely love the sport. It was part of their upbringing and who they are as a person. They love the feeling they get to teach something that they love.

5: Want the Challenge and Adversity - Coaching brings many unique challenges. One thing that is for sure is that there will be adversity and ups and downs. This is the beauty of sport. The raw emotions that one feels with a thrilling victory or the agony of defeat are difficult to match anywhere else in life. I think this drives many people to Coach. I wrote a popular newsletter on adversity and developing mental toughness in your team.

6: Coaches are Teachers - Coaches are teachers. I think many coaches love to coach because they get to teach a game for which their students or athletes are also passionate. There’s something very special about teaching to a group of people who also love the sport and want to learn.

7: Relationships - Coach is first and foremost about relationships. The relationships you have with your athletes, assistant coaches, and coaching colleagues are hard to beat. These relationships last a lifetime, and I think this is a significant driver for many coaches.

For me, all of the above reasons are why I coach. I cannot just pick one thing. But whenever times get tough, it is important to remember β€œwhy” we coach.

What are the reasons why you coach? Did I miss any? Reply to this email if you have other reasons that drive β€œwhy” you coach.

Good Luck!


Get all four of my books and save MORE this week with the SUPER Bundle!

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  • Culture WINS - 50 Ways to Build a Winning Culture (42 pages)

  • Coaching GOLD - Winning Insight and Winning Wisdom for Coaches (49 pages)

  • Culture WINS 2 - 50 MORE Ways to Build a Winning Culture (39 pages)

  • Great Teams Better Leaders (The Book) - Actionable Ideas on Coaching, Leadership, Culture, and Teams (130 pages).


"Difficulties in life are intended to make us better, not bitter."

- Dan Reeves

"Concentration is a fine antidote to anxiety."

- Jack Nicklaus



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  1. Team Leader OS: A flexible, practical, and meaningful way to grow and develop the team leaders on your team. Loaded with 300+ pages of leadership resources and 200+ minutes of video for coaches and athletes.

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Contact Me: Greg Berge, [email protected]

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