πŸ† The 3 Secrets of Resilient People

Adversity does not discriminate. The real question we have to ask is how do we deal with this adversity? What are the secrets to being resilient?

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Here's what's coming:

  • 3 Secrets of Resilient People πŸ†

  • Damien Lillard GoldπŸ₯‡

  • Great β€œX” insight from Anthony Vicino πŸ†‡

  • AI Stadium: Underwater Soccer Stadium! 🌠

  • Read Time ~ 5 minutes.

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The 3 Secrets of Resilient People

This post is focused on a must-watch, powerful Ted Talk by Lucy Howe called β€œThe 3 Secrets of Resilient People.” Make sure you watch the video at the end.

It is based on one fact and one question.

  1. Adversity does not discriminate.

  2. How do we boost resilience?

As coaches, we all know that adversity happens. We also know this is why team sports are the Ultimate Lab Setting for Life.

Athletes and players face adversity constantly. They learn invaluable skills that help them overcome this adversity in the moment.

Then, when real-life adversity strikes later in life, they are more able to handle these challenges.

Meet Laura Howe…

Laura Howe is a researcher and expert on adversity and resilience. She thought the most meaningful work she would ever do was when she was in Christchurch, New Zealand, helping so many people deal with the massive earthquake that hit the city.

This all changed in the blink of an eye.

Her most important work occurred when she faced incredible and tragic adversity in her own life. When she lost her 12-year-old daughter in a car accident.

  • She had to practice what she preached in a hard and difficult way.

  • She had to apply her own research.

  • She had to be resilient herself.

  • She learned a lot.

She learned and shared 3 critical secrets that we can all follow to help us be more resilient.

These 3 secrets can be applied to anyone who needs to learn resilience.

Here they are:

  1. Resilient people understand that β€œshit happens” in life. They understand and accept that suffering is part of life. They don't let themselves say, β€œWhy me?” They know that we are not entitled to have a perfect life and that things will happen. This acceptance allows them to move on.

  2. Resilient people are good at where they place their attention. They focus on what they can control. They choose what they can change, and they accept what they cannot. They β€œHunt the Good.” They focus on Gratitude each and every day. They Velcro the positives, and they Teflon the negatives.

  3. Resilient people constantly ask themselves this question. Is this helping me, or is this hurting me? With every choice they make, they remind themselves of this question. It grounds them and reminds them about the power of moving forward positively.

Watch the full TED talk below from Lucy Howe.

These three secrets are powerful yet simple.

As coaches and leaders, we can apply them to our teams, our players, and our own lives.

Good Luck!


πŸŽ₯ Video: Coach K on Culture.

πŸŽ™οΈ Podcast: Coach Collins and I discuss the concept of What is Leadership? in this Basketball Leadership Podcast episode.

πŸ†‡ ICYMI: What is the Art of Coaching?

"A lot of the success I have reached in my life has come from living outside of myself. Serve others.”

Damien Lillard

"My thoughts before a big race are usually pretty simple. I tell myself: Get out of the blocks, run your race, stay relaxed. If you run your race, you'll win... channel your energy. Focus."

Carl Lewis


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