DEATH by PROCRASTINATION: Great Teams - Better Leaders - 123 (Issue #9)

Great Teams - Better Leaders - 123. 1 Thought; 2 Quotes; 3 Tweets. Newsletter about Leadership, Culture, Teams, and Success.


Death by Procrastination

A completed task creates positive energy!

A completed task creates a positive habit!

Unfortunately, an incomplete task creates fatigue, negative energy, and a feeling of incompletion.

We have all procrastinated in our lives and it is not a good feeling. If this continues and becomes a habit, it creates a life of “Death by Procrastination.”

Many people ask me how I can be a head coach and be a Principal at the same time. The first thing I say is I am incredibly organized. I have learned to get things done at the moment. I do not waste time. I do not procrastinate. If I have a free moment I am doing something now that will make a task in the future easier.

I have learned the power of Newton’s First Law. I am always setting objects in motion. When I come back to these objects at a later time, I have moved them forward. It is much easier to continue to move objects forward when you do this.

I avoid procrastinating - I am always thinking of a way to be more efficient and get things done. It is a very powerful feeling when you feel as if you have control over these day-to-day challenges.

If you want to build and maintain good habits, positive energy, and a strong feeling of completion, you have to get in the habit of doing it now!

James Albery wrote the following poem:

He slept beneath the moon

He basked beneath the sun

He lived a life of going to do

and died with nothing done.

If you live a life of “going to do” you are living a life of "Death by Procrastination."

This reminds me of another story...

When I Become a Big Boy” There was a little boy who said when I become a big boy, I will do this and this, and I will be happy. And when he became a big boy he said, when I finish college and do this and this and I will be happy. And when he finished college he said when I get my first job and do this and this I will be happy. And when he got his first job he said when I get married and do this and this and then I will be happy. And when he got married he said when the kids get out of school and I do this and this I will be happy. And when the kids got out of school, he said when I retire and do this and this, I will be happy. And when he retired, what did he see? He saw a life has just gone by in front of his very eyes.

Get things done. Do things now. Do not live a life of “Death by Procrastination.”


“Good leaders do not fight every battle, they fight to right battles.” - author unknown

“The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.” - William James


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