HOW CAN PARENTS HELP COACHES?: Great Teams - Better Leaders - 123 (Issue #12 )

Great Teams - Better Leaders - 123. 1 Thought; 2 Quotes; 3 Tweets. Newsletter about Leadership, Culture, Teams, and Success.


Coaching is hard work. And coaches are getting harder to find! How can parents help? Here are 10 Ways Parents Can Help Support Coaches

1: Role Definition

Good coaches clearly define Roles. They are all different. Encourage your child to "Be a Star in their Role"

2: Time

Coaching is a tremendous time commitment. Most coaches live the job. Offer to help when asked or needed.

3: Encouragement

Coaches Love their job. But it is a very challenging job. Encourage Coaches when you can.

4: Stay in your Lane

Strategy or X’s and O’s matter less than people think. It is easy to coach from the bleachers. Stay in your lane.

5: Growth Mindset

Encourage a growth mindset with your child. Don’t allow them to blame others.

6: Be a Role Model

Your child will make mistakes. The coach will make mistakes. The officials/referees will make mistakes. Support them too.

7: Stay Positive

The process is more important than the prize. Stay positive with your child, especially during the tough times.

8: Life Lessons

Being on a team is the ultimate lab setting for Life. Kids learn so much. This is the beauty of team sports.

9: Energy is Contagious

Parent energy is contagious too. It can fuel a team. Please bring Positive Energy.

10: Always remember this is Your Child’s Experience

Don't judge them. Don’t be critical. Support them. Tell them you LOVE watching them play. Be a fan of the TEAM.


"When you hang out with the wrong people in the wrong places you will soon do the wrong things." - Greg Laurie

“Leaders pick up trash. It keeps the leader humble and the parking lot clean.” - Coach Don Meyer


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