7 Habits of Great Athletes!

Great Teams - Better Leaders - 123. 1 Thought; 2 Quotes; 3 Tweets. Newsletter about Leadership, Culture, Teams, and Success.


7 HABITS of Great Athletes

Great Athletes have Great Habits. What are these habits? All you have to do is study the most ELITE. I have read and studied these athletes for years. Why are they different? What do they do?

They have great habits.

They have Relentless Consistency with these habits. They do NOT give up.

They are Persistent.

Below is a list of 7 HABITS that Great Athletes have.

1: Habit of Time

“If you are early you are on time. If you are on time you are late. If you are late you are forgotten.” - author unknown

Great athletes are present. They set the tone and show up early. They are ON Time and put in THE Time. They do not take days off. They know the value of being on time. They know that being prompt shows respect to their coach and to their teammates.

2: Habit of Engagement

Eye Contact. “Listen with your Eyes”. When you listen with your eyes, you are focused, you are present, and you are engaged.

Great athletes are engaged and focused because they want to get better. They have a Continuous Improvement Mindset. They are present with their coaches because they feel they can always learn and get better.

Side note: Coaches do have to be aware that some cultures' norms and expectations are to avoid eye contact. Make sure you know your players.

3: Habit of Health

“Your Body is your Temple”




Great Athletes eat well. They understand Garbage In = Garbage Out.

They sleep well. They know the research and the + impact of sleep.

The great ones take great care of their body.

Want examples? Look no further than Tom Brady, who, at 45 years old is still near the top of his athletic games as an NFL QB, and the best QB of all time. Check out Lebron James and what he has done at his age. They are both meticulous with their body and invest time and resources to maintain their body.

While you may not have the resources that they do, eating well, getting sleep, and making your body the best it can be are all attainable with time and effort.

4: Habit of Work Ethic

“No Deposit, No Return”.

You get out of your sport what you put into it. You get out of life what you put into it. There is no easy route to greatness.

Hard work and persistence pay off.

The great athletes put in more time for a longer period of time than anyone else. They just stick with it. Their work ethic is second to none.

How bad do you want it? What are you willing to put into it?

5: Habit of Energy

The great ones are “Energy Givers”.

Positive energy is contagious. Research proves this.

The great ones make others around them better. They bring energy and confidence that rubs off on others.

They Lead.

They have Influence over their team.

Do not underestimate the influence that positive energy has on making you better. Think...Make Others Better= Make ME Better.

6: Habit of Playing your Role

"Be Great at what you are Good at"

Team sports are all about roles.

  1. Know your role.

  2. Accept your role.

  3. Excel in your role.

Great athletes succeed because they know this. They do not try to be someone they are not. They find their role and focus on being the best they can be in this role.

7: Habit of Team

“WE > ME”

It is all about TEAM.

Success only comes when you sacrifice individual glory for the benefit of the team.

The great ones have a Team First mindset.

They Win because of it.

These are the Habits of Great Players. How many of these do you have?


"Believe that your people have greatness inside of them. Because they do." - Stephen MR Covey

"True leaders stand up to be counted in crunch time. Rather than run from the heat of a demanding job or tough judgment, they welcome it; they understand that it comes with the territory." – Bill Parcells


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Check our my eBook: Culture WINS!

Why do some teams WIN year after year?

There are many reasons, but creating a Winning Mindset and a Winning Culture are two big ones.

This 42-page eBook (pdf) is loaded with 50 practical and useful ideas that coaches can use NOW to help build a Winning Culture and Winning Mindset in their program. Some of these ideas include:

  • Create MUDITA

  • No Deposit - No Return80-8 Rule

  • Be an MVT (Most Valuable Teammate)

  • Life is an Echo

  • Listen with your Eyes

  • Do Simple Better

  • NITE Communication

  • Cool Doesn’t WIN

  • The Secret

  • 1% Better

  • And much, much more.

This eBook is practical, purposeful, and written by a Coach and for a Coach. It is based on decades of coaching experience with very successful teams. I am very confident that you will pick up MANY strategies and ideas that you will be able to bring to your team and program!


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