7 Essential Mindsets for Coaches, Athletes, and Leaders.

Great Teams - Better Leaders - 123. 1 Thought; 2 Quotes; 3 Tweets. Newsletter about Leadership, Culture, Teams, and Success.

First…thank you to the 615+ recipients (and 42 NEW subscribers this week) of this newsletter - I am incredibly humbled!

My book, Culture WINS: 50 Ways to Build a Winning Culture, is now in Paperback on AMAZON. Check it out here: https://buff.ly/3BBupxT.

NOTE: Please reply to this email if you have any insight or questions. Also, if you have a TOPIC that you would like me to write about, please let me know!


Coaching is Difficult.

Leadership is Difficult.

Life is Difficult. It can and will throw many challenges your way.

How can you make it easier? How do successful and happy people seem to overcome some of these challenges? It is purposeful.

They have a MINDSET and set of PRINCIPLES that help guide them through challenging times. What are some of these mindsets and principles?

Below are 7 Essential Mindsets for Coaches, Athletes, and Everyone for that matter!

1 - Master the 20-40-60 Rule

In your 20’s - you worry about what others think

In your 40’s - you don’t care what others think

In your 60’s - You realize no one was thinking of you to begin with.

The sooner you realize this, the happier you will be. Many people spend way too much time worrying about what other people think and their perception of them.

It holds people back.

Successful and happy people do not let others' views impact the writing of their own stories. They believe in themselves. They believe in the work they put in. They believe in their ability. They trust their true friends. They do NOT let other people's opinions affect them.

Master this principle EARLY in your life!

2 - Manage the Construction of your Heart

In a world of negativity - in a world with too much hate. Do NOT let media and others construct your Heart.

BUT...this only occurs if you let this negativity get in your head and/or heart.

Focus on the positive. Weed out the negative.

Be a gardener of your thoughts.

It is natural to have negative thoughts come into your brain. The most successful people have the ability to talk to themselves and not listen to themselves. They weed out the negative.

You are in charge of your Heart.

Step in another’s shoes. Show Empathy. Take charge of your heart.

3 - Seek First to Understand

People assume way too much today. Social Media sways a person's opinion way too early.

Think BEFORE you React.

Follow Steven Covey's golden rule: Seek First to Understand.

As a school leader, I see this way too often. Our world needs this mindset more today than it ever has. People have become too judgmental without listening and hearing both sides of a story. Don't be this person.

Get both sides of the story before you react or before you post something online. It will save you stress, eliminate poor decision-making, and will teach others a great lesson.

4 - OWN it - Take Responsibility

If you mess up, it is ok. It is life.

Please accept it, OWN it.

Too many people do not accept responsibility for their actions. Owning your actions will result in a more successful life.

We all mess up. It is life. That is not the issue.

The issue is always OWNERSHIP and LEARNING from these mistakes.

5 - No Deposit - No Return

Everything is Earned.

You get out of life whatever you put into life.

No shortcuts. Put in the time. Be persistent. You will reap the rewards.

✓ You get out of your sport what you put into it.

✓ You get out of your relationships what you put into them.

✓ You get out of your job what you put into them.

✓ You get out of LIFE what you put into it.

Live a NO DEPOSIT - NO RETURN Lifestyle, and Success and Happiness will follow!

6 - Learn the Secret

I learned to talk to myself instead of listen to myself. Just because you have a negative thought does not mean you have to believe it.

Let me repeat this.

I learned to talk to myself instead of listen to myself. Just because you have a negative thought does not mean you have to believe it.

This is a POWERFUL concept to learn.

The mind is a powerful tool. Use it to your advantage.

Learn to be a master of your mind.

7 - Attitude is Everything

It really is. It is one of the few things we have CONTROL over.

Control your attitude and Control your life.

So much of life is in our approach or mindset to the situation, the relationship, and the adversity to comes our way. All we can ever control each day is our Attitude.

Successful and Happy people have positive and hopeful attitudes.

There is research that supports this. Control what you can Control!

I believe these 7 Essential Mindsets above are critical for success and happiness.

Coaching is hard work. Leading is hard work. Life is hard work.

Learn to master these 7 Mindsets.

When you do, I am confident that Success and Happiness will find their way to yo.

Good Luck!


"Do not optimize a thing that should not exist."Elon Musk

"The time to worry is three months before a flight. Decide then whether or not the goal is worth the risks involved. If it is, stop worrying. To worry is to add another hazard." - Amelia Earhart


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Check our my eBook: Culture WINS!

Why do some teams WIN year after year?

There are many reasons, but creating a Winning Mindset and a Winning Culture are two big ones.

This 42-page eBook (pdf) is loaded with 50 practical and useful ideas that coaches can use NOW to help build a Winning Culture and Winning Mindset in their program. Some of these ideas include:

  • Create MUDITA

  • No Deposit - No Return80-8 Rule

  • Be an MVT (Most Valuable Teammate)

  • Life is an Echo

  • Listen with your Eyes

  • Do Simple Better

  • NITE Communication

  • Cool Doesn't WIN

  • The Secret

  • 1% Better

  • And much, much more.

This eBook is practical, purposeful, and written by a Coach and for a Coach. It is based on decades of coaching experience with very successful teams. I am very confident that you will pick up MANY strategies and ideas that you will be able to bring to your team and program!

Click here for Paperback Version on AMAZON: https://buff.ly/3BBupxT

eBook Version (PDF) on Gumroad: gberge.gumroad.com


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