10 Phrases All Athletes Need to Hear

Great Teams - Better Leaders - 123. 1 Thought; 2 Quotes; 3 Tweets. Newsletter about Leadership, Culture, Teams, and Success.

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Being an ATHLETE today can be Hard. There are a lot of pressures from a lot of different sources. Too many young athletes are losing interest in playing sports at a young age. Some of this is due to the "Car Ride Home" where too many parents talk to their young child about their performance, play, effort, etc.

The role of parents is to encourage, support, and love their children through their athletic experience, not talk about their playing time or performance. We need to make sure a car ride home is a safe place for kids. We need to remember that this athletic experience is the "child's" experience and not the "parent's" experience.

Below are 10 "phrases" that I believe All ATHLETES need to hear:

1: “I believe in you”

Want to build confidence in your child? Tell them you believe in them.

Self-Doubt is normal. They need to hear this from adults.

If you don’t say it as a parent or coach, who will?

2: “I love watching you play”

This is a powerful statement to a child.

There is no judgment or criticism.

Just sharing the joy of being a fan and watching your child compete in their sport. This is what it should be all about as a parent. Enjoy watching your child play. It goes fast and before you know it you are an empty nester.

These may be the most important words you share with your child. It is all you need to say.

3: “Do your best”

We are all different. We all have different skill sets.

All we can all ever do is our best. No matter the situation, just ask your child to do their best. What a great life lesson this is as well.

Encourage your child with this statement.

4: “Be great at what you are good at”

This encourages athletes to focus on their strengths. 💪

It keeps them from trying to do too much. When kids try to do things they are not yet "good" at, they stick out like a sore thumb, they lose confidence, and then the game becomes less fun.

Also, parents, do not yell for your child to "shoot the ball" from the stands. It may not be their role. Just encourage them to "Be great at what they are good at."

It helps kids define their role on the team.

5: “Love your teammates”

✅ The joy of team sports comes from the COMMITMENT to your teammates.

✅ In order for Athletes to have a great team experience, they need to care about their teammates.

✅ Encourage this with your words.

6: “Next Play”

This mindset helps kids understand to move on from the play you just did.

Don't dwell on a mistake and make another.

Don’t celebrate after a great play so much that you lose your focus.

Focus on the Next Play.

This teaches Athletes composure and poise

7: “Make Memories”

Live in the moment.

A season goes fast. High school goes fast. Before you know it it is over. Appreciate the "grind".

Appreciate the moments and cherish the memories.

Help them create this mindset that will last a lifetime.

8: “Pass the mirror test”

Can you look in the mirror each night…

And tell yourself that you did your best, left it on the field or court, were a good teammate, etc?

Teach your Child or Athlete to pass the mirror test.

9: “Lead by Example”

This is the first step to leadership. This will lay the foundation for your child to become a leader - lead themselves first.

Encourage your child or athlete to begin their leadership journey by leading by example.

◾️ Be on time

◾️ Have a high character

◾️ Bring positive energy

◾️ Be one of the hardest workers

◾️ Be committed.

10: “Lead Others”

Teach your child or athlete to grow their leadership skills by learning to lead others. How do they do that? Teach them to Lead Out Loud.

◾️ Be a "Cheerleader" for your teammates. Encourage them.

◾️ Be a "Connector" of your teammates

◾️ Be a "Challenger" of your teammates when needed

◾️ Be a "Confronter" of your teammates when needed

These are the ways that you can encourage your child to become a great leader.

There you go! 10 phrases that all athletes need to hear!


Almost everything in leadership comes back to relationships. - Mike Krzyzewski

THE LIE society tells us is that your success, your fame, your fortune are the most important things about you. - Alex Demczak


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Check our my eBook: Culture WINS!

Why do some teams WIN year after year?

There are many reasons, but creating a Winning Mindset and a Winning Culture are two big ones.

This 42-page eBook (pdf) is loaded with 50 practical and useful ideas that coaches can use NOW to help build a Winning Culture and Winning Mindset in their program. Some of these ideas include:

  • Create MUDITA

  • No Deposit - No Return80-8 Rule

  • Be an MVT (Most Valuable Teammate)

  • Life is an Echo

  • Listen with your Eyes

  • Do Simple Better

  • NITE Communication

  • Cool Doesn't WIN

  • The Secret

  • 1% Better

  • And much, much more.

This eBook is practical, purposeful, and written by a Coach and for a Coach. It is based on decades of coaching experience with very successful teams. I am very confident that you will pick up MANY strategies and ideas that you will be able to bring to your team and program!


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